The RCCF was launched in January and is an organisation for Christians who support the Conservative Party. We come together in prayer and fellowship, and seek to build close relations between the Christian community and the Conservative Party here in Romford.
The Romford Conservative Christian Fellowship (RCCF) held its first meeting on Friday, 13th April 2012.
We heard from our Member of Parliament, Andrew Rosindell M.P, on his work in the constituency and Westminster. He spoke of the importance of building a bridge between the Christian community and the Conservative Party. We all joined in prayer and worship.
RCCF future events for the year will include a Diamond Jubilee Celebration where Helen Yousaf will perform, and a dinner later in the year with former Archbishop of Canterbury, Lord Carey of Clifton.
If you would like to get involved in the RCCF please contact RCCF Chairman Meg Davis on 07958 675453.