Romford Conservative Association were proud to be outside the station today wishing Romford's communters a very Happy St George's Day!
Romford's Conservatives feel that, for too long, England's great patron saint's feast-day has not been honoured as it should be. While Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland all celebrate their respective patron saints's days with a national holiday. England does not share in that tradition. We think this needs to change!
Romford's Conservatives, led by our Member of Parliment, Andrew Rosindell, are campaigning locally and nationally for the introduction of an English public holiday on St George's Day.
In an era of increasing globalisation, when national and regional identities are becoming evermore culturally indistinct, it is crucial that efforts are made to preserve our own individual stories and customs - for it is what makes us who we are!
Romford's Conservatives believe it is important that the English, like our fellow brethren on this isle, should have day set aside whereby the English nation can come together to celebrate all that is positive about its history, traditions and culture. And in doing so help to strengthen the bonds between the peoples, communities and regions of our English nation.
"Cry God, Harry and Saint George!"